Tag Archives: podcast hosting

House Deelings is born

It was a while that I wanted to have a better podcast site for my mixes so I decided to create one myself. Working on Dblog Pukos, the same blog platform I used for Italainiafiji.it,  and making several modifications I managed to deploy a pretty neat website that allows all my visitors to listen and download all the posted mixed sessions… And HouseDeelings.com was born.

Once the basics where in place, with the help of the great team at Mercado Paralelo Music, I managed to edit an embeddable player that would play all the mixed sessions posted on the site (see and play below). And that’s when the idea struck me! I could allow other DJs and house music aficionados to login and upload their mixed sessions for the world to enjoy. That’s what House Deelings really is!

DJs can upload their mixes, have their own profile, their own personal player, an RSS feed with their posts only and every session will be pinged to the most famous Podcast directories in the world.

House Music lovers can listen to their favorite mixes, download them, comment and send private messages to the author.

It’s a little community site for everyone that loves house music, deep house, funky, jazz, soulful, tech and more.

The mixed sessions upload for DJs and download for visitors it’s completely FREE. Also all the other features for DJs are free. So the site needs now is you.

If you are an house music DJ and you want to have your mixes hosted on a podcast website, search no more! Send me an invitation request and I will contact you as soon as possible.

If you are an house music lover, come to visit and enjoy HOUSE DEELINGS now!

To you all: please enjoy and spread the word!